Friday, March 4, 2011

Experiment 2: YouTube

Impact of YouTube to you?
         What is the impact of all those videos uploaded in YouTube? YouTube became a phenomenon for it encourage everyone online to view different types of videos such as music and cover videos, educational videos, videos from the TV shows and movies and a lot more. YouTube offers those wide variety that connects to all of us. For me, YouTube made my internet life healthy and productive. Why healthy? YouTube gives balance to my emotions whenever I'm online because I use to listen and watch music videos and other entertainment videos that somehow brightens up my days especially when I 'm working on my school works. YouTube makes me productive, first is because it gives me entertainment and it makes my mood good and second most of the videos are educational. We can watch videos in YouTube that discuss and explains specific school lessons, for example, I'm having a hard time in math algebra to be specific just type lessons in algebra on the search text  box and it gave me a variety of videos to watch that is about algebra. 

How can we use YouTube to improve education in the Philippines?
Right now, most of the people especially students are online and most of times they are just doing socializing stuffs so, we can make them learn more while they are online by making them view their notes through an instructional video that will be uploaded on YouTube. We can use the phenomenon YouTube established to make students study their lessons while online. Actually nowadays, YouTube is already improving the education in the Philippines what the government needs to do is to produce more educational videos to be accessible to the students. 
How can you see YouTube evolving 10 years from now?
With a fast development of Technology nowadays, it is possible that YouTube will grow bigger and better and also possibly defeated by other sites that will be appearing anytime soon. With latter case, YouTube needs to be innovative to hold on the attention and likes of its viewers today until the future.

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