Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sweetest Thing To Cherish

Childhood is the best part of our life rather than being a teen, falling in love, getting high grades, partying left and right and strolling or shopping at malls because childhood means satisfaction in where we can be contented with just toys to play on or for me a jackstone set and a Barbie doll with a make-up kit with nothing to worry about such complex things. Our mind and soul are fresh though back then. Childhood too is about making a lot of mistakes and being naughty to make our siblings and playmates to cry on a thing we did and somehow it makes us happy but that’s bad though but still who can blame us for that. I remember myself being spanked by my mom and dad even my yaya before because of not following them and doing a lot of dirty stupid stuffs. Playing along the streets are one of the things to remember too, before it is called playing with your neighbors but now its socializing with them.

The sweetest memories or should I say my most unforgettable moments in my juvenile years were first when I first get to go out of the country and go to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia with my mom, two aunts, my brother and 2 other family friends and second is when I had my mini-debut for my 7th birthday where I was like a little princess greeted and watched by everybody all throughout the evening. The former made me really happy because it’s a very great experience to ride a plane which was very painful to my ears and see the clouds closely right through the plane’s windows. Really amazing! At this age, I am really looking forward to go to Singapore again or any country because I enjoyed staying in another country it made me feel like I am in a new world where I can express myself and know a lot of different things which is really fun and interesting. The latter of my two most memorable childhood experience is my 7th birthday party. Being the only girl in the family back then made me catch all of my family’s attention where I lived like a princess on a negative note a spoiled brat but not up to now. That was the day I faced a lot people and dance a Hawaiian dance in front of them, a bit nervous about that but I performed with all smiles and confidence. One thing I remembered about my party was I receive a big pink toy car which made me really happy.

Things in life change in an instant but not our memories especially our younger years for we had the happiest memory during those years. Memories are never to be erased and forever to cherish.

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